the politics of sports

22ZIN examines the politicization of sports in America and around the world.  It will not cover the type of politics that screwed you out of a spot on the Little League all-star team.  Instead, we'll explore how governments shape the way we play, watch, and think about sports.

For those of you wondering what 22ZIN means, please check out the About section. Short answer: it’s a football play.

Each article will have two sections.  The Box Score gives you a quick summary of what you need to know.  The Complete Game provides in-depth analysis.  

Each section (e.g., Congress, Courts, Presidency) has several articles. The articles are meant to be read sequentially, like chapters in a book. However, I’ve also tried to write each as a standalone. That means there is some redundancy in concepts, theories, terms, and cases. When these redundancies pop up, I briefly remind the reader what they need to know and point them toward articles with a more complete explanation.

With that, please explore the site. Thank you for reading!

The Sports Page

The Presidency and sports

Congress and Sports


The Courts


Pure Politics